Issue 022 - SPOTLIGHT Featuring Wicked Witch's Sock Drawer
We are a wicked sock shop for kids and moms. Wicked Witch’s Sock Drawer all started from a tiny person's obsession with socks! Our name was
inspired by my favorite movie as a kid,
The Wizard of Oz. The wicked witch and her socks were always my favorite part, and of course, Char has a sock drawer of Queens so we rolled with it!
1. What is your favorite food? Least favorite?
My favorite food is Chocolate
Cake...pregnancy does things to people. My least favorite is cheese, any kind. I've hated it all since I was really little.
I'll order pizza without cheese if I want to be lazy and not peel it off!
2. What is something you love and others hate or something you hate
that everyone else seems to love? Probably anything with cheese.
3. If you woke up and a million dollars was deposited into your account tomorrow morning and the bank said to keep it. What would you do?
I'd buy a huge plot of land and adopt all of the dogs! I just really love dogs!
Maybe dog socks are next!
4. What would be your 3 wishes if a genie could grant you anything?
1. Unlimited FREE fabric for the shop!
2. Probably send my parents on a vacation; they need it more than I do!
3. ...I could probably use a new toothbrush
5. What is your favorite thing about running your shop? Least favorite?
My favorite: Seeing all of the beautiful kids and their moms wearing our product and supporting us in our tiny adventure!!
My least favorite: Probably that my husband doesn't know how to sew to help me send orders out faster!